TRAM Model 1000-UHF
Complete mobile antenna (kit) consisting of tunable VHF Black Chrome Plated Stainless Steel Whip with 12 feet (3 mtrs) RG-58A/U Low Loss Premium Coaxial Cable, tinned copper braid @ 95% solid insulation, stranded tinned copper center conductor , premium PL-259 UHF Male connector w/ soldered pin and strain relief... Antenna rated at 150 Watts of VHF Power..
Antenna covers ALL VHF bands ( Amateur 2 meter) - ( Commercial VHF 150 + Mhz) - Amateur 220 Mhz Band completely - Up to 250 Mhz..
Tram VHF 1/4 Wave - Covers VHF 136 Mhz to 250 Mhz KIT
- Product Code: 1000-UHF
- Availability: In Stock
- Ex Tax: $34.99